Welcome to the TechnoStupid Zone!

Hey folks, I'm
Mahady Programmer Soft. Engineer

I'm a full-stack web developer / Software Engineer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh specializing in building exceptional, high-quality websites and applications.


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Md. Mahady Hasan Pial

"Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a God."

Here are a few technologies I work with:

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Laravel
  • Golang
  • AWS (EC2,S3,Route53,LB etc.)
  • Mysql
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microservices
  • Git

Online Presence:

Things I've built for the web



Lead Software EngineerEasital Technologies

Lead the Backend team building a super-app with millions of potential active users.


Sr. Software EngineerSheba.xyz

Worked as Team Lead of the Backend Team. A very large scale project with thousands of active users. Worked with AWS and other cloud technologies.


Software Engineer Webable

Worked on real lift data intensive projects with thousands of active users. Started working with Vue.js alongside Laravel.


Jr. Software EngineerProchito ITS

Workded as a jr. Software engineer. Mostly work with web technologies



B.ScDaffodil International University

Wrote my first code. Participated and won many competitive programming contests.


HSCSyed. Hatem ALi college

My college life passed in the blink of an eye.


SSCBarisah Zilla School

One of the oldest and prestigious schools of Bangladesh. Made some friends for lifetime.

Say hello


Interested to work together? Let's talk